lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2007


today I want to speak about my prefer little boy ^^
(sorry Josep for the word little ;P)
His name is Josep and he is eleven years old.
He lives in the same street that me.
Since two years ago, I do "kangaroo" of him. He is a very
nice boy, happy, optimist, a very beautiful person and very sensitive.
He studies hard, but now, he is doing 6é of primaria and he extracts a very good marks,
(for not say that everything are 10, 10, 9'5, 9'75...)
I have happened a very good summers, but I think that the last summer is the last that
I do things with him... because in the 15th of june, I will do sixteen years, and my parents
find me a really work...

Now, I'm speaking with he in the messenger* and he is saying me his Christmas presents :),
it's an adorable person^^

Thank you for all JOSEP*

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2007


Today I want to speak about one of my favourite groups, La Oreja de Van Gogh.
Now, Amaia, the singer, left of the groups because she doesn't stay good with the others components of the group.
I really like this group because, when I was a child, I was in a music shop whit my mother, and she asked me if i want a CD. I choose one of La Oreja de Van Gogh, there was their first CD, Dile al Sol. I thought they were great and, later, I bought all the others CDs. I like they so much because they've very interestings lyrics. Everything in them have a sense.

I'll put one song and her video.
Is the song Coronel. It's been a long time since I last heard it. I like it! :)
This song is of theyr last album. Más Guapa.


A que ya hemos terminado
Amigo mío se acabo
Acércate dame un abrazo
Que este infierno remitió
Espéradme aquel momento
Y cuida de esta posición
Comprobare que terminamos la misión

De acabar estas palabras y nadie le volvió a ver,
Después de aquella victoria sólo un loco coronel
Renunciaría a una gloria
Que él jamás logró entender
Elijió cargar su alma con un clavel

Cuando los demás dormían se escapaba a la cantina
Y llorando le contaba a una mujer
Que si el honor y la victoria
Valen más que las personas
Es que no hemos aprendido nada

De las lágrimas que visten tu cara
De la tristeza que esconden tus miradas,
De la vergüenza que siente mi alma,
Cuando nadie canta esta canción
En la que digo que no me da la gana,
De hacer como que no se nada,
De cada vida que se marcha
Sin decir adiós

Después de cada batalla
Se encogía su corazón
El debía mostrar orgullo
Cuando sólo sentía dolor
Preguntaba siempre al cielo
Quien había ganado qué
Pero nunca nadie supo responder

Cuando los demas dormían se escapaba a la cantina
Y llorando le contaba a una mujer
Que si el honor y la victoria
Valen más que las personas
Es que no hemos aprendido nada

De las lágrimas que visten tu cara
De la tristeza que esconden tus miradas,
De la vergüenza que siente mi alma,
Cuando nadie canta esta canción
En la que digo que no me da la gana,
Hacer como que no se nada,
De cada vida que se marcha
Sin decir adiós

Today I have wrote more than the last day,
so I go away :)


-I have a little problem with youtube, so I can't heard the song. I have asked a friend that pass me the link of the song, I guess that will be this ;)-

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007


Today I do my first publication in this blog.
In the blog, I want to speak about things that happened during the day, hobbies, friends, photos...
Now, I don't have time to explain a big text, because my brother wants the computer to do a work.

